Thursday, February 26, 2009

The government has to help, right?

I came across this article on the Austin American-Statesman’s website about Obama’s plan to “clean up” the housing problem. The article is written by the Editorial Board for the Austin American Statesman. I tried as hard as I could to figure out who was on the Editorial Board of this local newspaper, but I was not successful. I am assuming that since this is a Board and is a collection of people who I would think had to meet some type of requirements, that they are, in fact, credible.

This article was written for people who subscribe and/or read this paper. This commentary would be read by people who have a political interest or at least an interest in one way the stimulus package will be used. Also, this commentary would be of particular interest to those about to loose their homes.

The board that wrote this article pointed out that most Americans are not happy with Obama’s plan to bailout the folks that took out too big of a loan. The bored that these homeowners knew from the beginning they would not be able to pay back this loan. I agree with this. It doesn’t seem fair for those who were wise enough to know they had to live within their means and purchase a home they could afford will now have to “pay” for other’s mistakes and greed. Does it seem fair that some live in an ordinary home while others live in homes that would be considered anything but ordinary? No, I think not.

The article also states that at least part of the money will go to those who the authors claims are not “deadbeats” helping them reduce their mortgage rate as well. This only seems fair since we should reward those who weren’t so greedy.

The board also goes on to say, however, that because of the high number of people that would loose their homes due to theses circumstances, something does have to be done. Of course, I agree with the authors that if it is in our power to help out those that have lost their jobs and simply cannot pay because of a loss of income, that we have to help them. We can’t have this many families without homes.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Her 8 Kiddos.. Our Taxes!

Today I read this story and watched a video or two from this website This story is about a young, single mother named Nadya Suleman who has just recently had 8 children and has had 6 over the last couple of years which now makes 14. Why she thought she needed 8 more kids that she cannot care for without the funding from our taxes, I have no idea! Ok guys, but get this, she has a website where she is asking for online donations. Crazy! The thing I wonder too is where did she get the money she needed to "become pregnate" in the first place? Why didn't she use that money to start paying off the 50,000 dollars she owes in student loans? The list goes on and on of better ways she could have used this money. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love kids and know they are such an incredible gift from God. One thing that bothers me though about this story is that before making the decision to get pregnate, she should have been completly sure that she was going to be able to care and provide these 8 deserving children with the essentials of life. Which obviously is not the case!