Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blog Stage 6

I would have to agree with Rachel that Obama’s healthcare plan would not necessarily be beneficial to the American public. Why would America want health coverage that would not work for them and fulfill their needs? I t would make much more sense to me to give the public the money that the government was going to use for this program and let citizens decide what healthcare plan would be best for them and their family.

One problem I see is that a government funded health program would not allow you to select your own doctor/ hospital. A doctor/patient relationship is very personal. You would want to choose a doctor that you felt comfortable around, treated you with respect and took good care of your medical needs. I personally want to be able to choose a healthcare plan based on my doctor being part of that plan and not having to select a doctor based on my healthcare plan.

Competition among healthcare providers and doctors is very vital in keeping good customer service. Just like most government agencies, once competition is gone, so is the desire to “help” the customer. I do not want to be another patient in the doctor’s office taking a number, signing a million papers, and waiting for hours for my care, just like when I go get my driver’s license renewed. Does this sound like good health care to you?

So, Obama’s health care plan would not be good to America and the money would be better spent as a credit to be used to purchase your own private health insurance.

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