Friday, May 15, 2009

Blog Stage 8

I could not agree with you more Jesse! Very nice blog! Those stats from the pie chart are almost sickening. When and how did America ever come to what it is now? The old system seemed to be working just fine. At least compared to what it is now! Another thought to bring to the table is.. if you have five dollars that is actually worth five dollars and then lets say you decide to print four more dollars but they are based on the five “real” dollars you had in the first place, now you may have more actual dollar bills but they are still combined only worth the five dollars in the first place. So as you can see, it is clear that just by printing more money you may have more dollar bills but they still only have the value of what they are based on. Paper money has to have some kind of “value” it is based on otherwise its just paper. This just does not make any sense to me. Does it to you? Your right, this is not fair, but honestly we are so far buried in debt and in a major recession, I often doubt the hope we have to rebuild our economy and pay back our debt. What is in our power to do?

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